Good and bad. Goodbad. Badgood.

Someone mentioned recently that they dig my references to ‘both-and’. Thanks; yeah I think we [society] miss that stuff so much – a quick look at Twitter will reveal that nuance and paradox are not exactly commonly understood. Then a friend messaged me this link on the who’s-bad, who’s-good thing:  It’s interesting, that. And…



Someone recently commented (fairly) on the latest Lithium comic; “It might have gotten a little too on-the-nose about the religious subtext. I understand that religion has been used to harm others and that’s horrible but faith can just as easily lead to peaceful, loving persons. I respect you trying to say something but it just…



Here’s a little video showing the complexity of the new spaceship I’ve been working on. Yes, it’s madness. This is a quick zoom through the wireframe, from the spherical dock / airlock chamber at the bottom of the ship, through living quarters (figures lying in stasis rn), up the ladder to the completely indecipherable cockpit,…
