
Here’s a little video showing the complexity of the new spaceship I’ve been working on.

Yes, it’s madness. This is a quick zoom through the wireframe, from the spherical dock / airlock chamber at the bottom of the ship, through living quarters (figures lying in stasis rn), up the ladder to the completely indecipherable cockpit, then side and down through the living space again.

So it’s a tiny spaceship.

Representing living spaces for those trapped in lockdown. The comic’s going to be about life at the edge of things, represented by being at the edge of the planetary system. The life in lockdown is referred to in the vaccum-of-space isolation, relationship refers to awkwardness and tenderness of human relationships. I’ll be referencing Herodotus and Homer’s voyages throughout, and the concept of ‘home’. This will be the first of a two-part section of the OHB series. So it’ll be like comic 6: title part 1, then later I’ll make comic 7: title part 2. Bit like Hunger Games structure, except part 1 is from one point of view and tells half of the story, and part two is the other to complete the thing.

Anyway here’s a zoom through the development wireframe …

This is for all those people (and there are many) who constantly ask when the next comic’s out. If you want to know when the next comic’s out, look how many comics I released in 2019/20, then combine that nugget of information with this development wireframe to form some sort of time-based opinion of how much work is involved, and extrapolate for your answer.

Short version: not for a while. Depends on a million factors so I don’t do release dates because this is just a fit-it-around-my-life kinda fun hobby for me 🙂

You’re welcome.

Happy to clear that up x

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