Hello. In the latest comic, I apparently spelt ‘noodle’ as ‘noddle’! Fuck! Aaaah well. We all make mistakes.
Noddle, though.
Bugger! 😆
Anyway. I’ve always uploaded my comics to e-hentai, this isn’t because I really like that site, it’s purely for me to get some idea of user stats. I mean, most of the comics on that site make me want to purge my brain out of my ear, but … but the comics *I* like are … you know … stylish and sophisticated.
Anyway it’s a good indicator of global stats at least, and it’s cool to see ALL my comics get a massive spike in stats (see picture above), as soon as I release one – like people are going “Oh snap! Let’s read more of THESE” and looking for the rest in the series. Which is cool. So … welcome new people! Hi there. Some have argued that I shouldn’t ever reference modern topics, because I’d lose the majority of my followers or whatever. This would be a slightly concerning approach to life, I think; ‘don’t challenge the strong man’.
I think since the dawn of time, art and music and various media have existed almost entirely to challenge and comment on contemporary fiascos, so I think it’s probably ok to do so. Even a classic like Casablanca revolves around that single point; when everything’s so chaotic, do we keep quiet, or do we speak up?

But yeah I don’t think anyone should ever shy away from writing about real, proper, grown-up, difficult, annoying, burnt-out fiasco things.
Let’s talk about life and death, right? Let’s talk about why politics is so guttingly awful all over the place right now. Let’s talk about humans and love and acknowledge that we can BOTH bury ourselves in escapism AND evolve as individuals. Whaaaaaat
I’ve had the joy of having a lot of people saying my stuff inspires them to write / create. Yes! Do it! We were built for creativity, I think. Even if my comics didn’t go online, writing them has helped me get stuff clear in my head. It has helped me work through some stuff that I was caught up with, it has laid some nightmares to rest and helped me see a path ahead.
Writing the darkness brings it into the light.
So. Write. Draw. Be.
Speak it out. Even in a fictional space-based future.