The greatest debate of all time … VOTE!

Well I’ve just wasted a night rendering the next comic, because my render PC (Windows 10 Pro), decided to force updates. Logged on this morning and find its both borked itself, and little details like folder view and display settings have reset FOR LITERALLY NO REASON, and I had to get involved with its brain…


Tipping point

  You know when you do a piece of work, a difficult project or whatever, and you don’t know if it’s going to be a box-ticking exercise or a profound piece of wonderment straight out of the soul of the universe? And then there’s this tipping-point, where suddenly you know … this is going to…



Anyone who’s written anything knows at some point you have to make up new stuff. This is one of those times, and to be honest it’s quite good fun! We’re fitting a legacy/origins storyline into the Star Trek universe, which coincides with the STFW universe too, but at this stage (this stage being 2020, as…


Karen. Is. Lasagne.

This blog post is inspired by The Night Window, by Thomas Newman. Play it as you read! Why not eh. (Fun fact, lasagne is plural/general, lasagna is singular/specific, apparently. Aaaanyway …) Karen. Is. Lasagne. We all know this, right? Lasagne are made with onions (which make you cry) amongst the deep layers, then the layers…
