The greatest debate of all time … VOTE!

Well I’ve just wasted a night rendering the next comic, because my render PC (Windows 10 Pro), decided to force updates. Logged on this morning and find its both borked itself, and little details like folder view and display settings have reset FOR LITERALLY NO REASON, and I had to get involved with its brain just to get it to open the ONE app I use on it.

I literally hate PCs so much.

But in the old days, I used to hate Macs. See image. So, now that I’m a Mac convert, I wonder who prefers what system? VOTE!

Which is best, Mac or PC?

Click ‘I like this’ (below) to vote for PC
Click ‘I lollered’ (below) to vote Mac

(And sure, you can click ‘Ooh I came!’ to vote for that open source one. Python? No, what’s it called? The thing with sudo … ack what’s it called?! Anyway. That one.)

PS. the next comic’s going well, despite my evil PC’s best efforts.

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