Tipping point


You know when you do a piece of work, a difficult project or whatever, and you don’t know if it’s going to be a box-ticking exercise or a profound piece of wonderment straight out of the soul of the universe? And then there’s this tipping-point, where suddenly you know … this is going to be good.

This image was that for me – I realise it doesn’t look like much out of context (and so offer it here as a non-spoiler), but long-time fans will hopefully see what may be happening. This is Mike.

As a minor piece of symbolism, which hopefully you’ll forget by the time you get to read the actual comic – his right arm forms a pyramid shape above him, symbolising the hierarchy. He’s at the very bottom, and yet he has a serene look on his face, and he has something burning within him. This moment is a game-changer for him, and it’s what happens after this moment in the comic that’s most exciting for me, the scenes I’m most looking forward to creating. Strange how we can find unexpected joys as the ponderers of our imaginary worlds.

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