How to 3D without dying [part 1]

People keep submitting comments to my various feedback forms, asking for 3D advice and tips. Thanks dudes, I think I’ve peppered advice throughout this blog tbh, but I’ll dump a few things here because it’s fun and exciting!!! Software I use: Poser Pro, with the Victoria 4 character (a very old 3D character by Daz),…


Listen, I’ve learnt my lesson …

… I will never drink again. OK I might but I am getting better at avoiding the bingey stuff – you know the borderline self-harm kinda drinking that seems funny on the outside but isn’t on the inside hahaha good times. I just drink sensible amounts these days. Aaaanyway, ahem … my recovery has coincided…



Tschhhhhh. Flippin nora, you know it’s stressy stressy work stress when you don’t even have time to add crazy mutterings on your freaking sexy comics blog! Too much on, but despite this, the comic work has been continuing nicely. We’re into the final three scenes, with some gentle darkness learning to become light. Here’s a…


Nab0kov’s final phase

In Vladimir Nab0kov’s most famous controversial book, the main character goes through three distinct phases: the approach, the act, and the fallout.  This is often the storyteller’s thing, but I firmly believe there is a forth phase available to all humans: transcendence. We learn from our own story and we change. We change, we become…


Two hundred big boys

  This is the two-hundredth blog post! Woweeee!! I started the blog (with this ^ ridiculous image) in Feb last year, and started churning out comics soon after that. And what a whirlwind it’s been, eh? I have been asked about 200 times if people can give me money, and I have been told about…
