Listen, I’ve learnt my lesson …

… I will never drink again. OK I might but I am getting better at avoiding the bingey stuff – you know the borderline self-harm kinda drinking that seems funny on the outside but isn’t on the inside hahaha good times. I just drink sensible amounts these days.

Aaaanyway, ahem … my recovery has coincided with work absolutely going ridiculously Red Ross at me and all the things happening at the same time, which means the comic has had a slow week – it was going well but its been shelved for the last few days while I do bleary-eyed panic-working. On the plus side, I’m almost done with the rendering and have been reading through the test drafts (to like 80% of the page count at least; haven’t done the finale scenes yet), and honestly I think it’s one of the best yet. Nothing like Lithium 7, but OHB 7 is a different kind of work, a different mind state. 


And I’ve taken my own (slightly drunk) advice, and re-written a load of pages to remove a lot of the CHAT haha! So that’s good. We can learn, even from our slightly sozzled inner critic cor blimey wot wot. It’s also inspired me to write a new transcendent rainbow-puking few scenes for skylar in Lithium 8 (or maybe 9), which is the comic I’ll be working next, I think – that’s right, once OHB 7’s out, it’s straight onto Lithium 8.

How’s things going in the world then? Everyone doing ok? OK ish?

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