It goes on.

OK comic update: I now have only one [big] scene to create, then it’s bubbles time!!! There are over 200 pages … in fact the last scene is a bit of a spread-out affair, so we could be looking at 240 pages by the time we’re done.

Another epic. Woopsy. And its taken an age, but it’s worth it, believe me. More sexy skin, more 3d technical challenge, more space adventure and more turmoil-y conundrum-y human-y goodness than ever before, this one.

Plus there are jokes. Some good jokes, even if I do say so myself, and I haven’t stolen them all off Red Dwarf, either. So that’s good.

I’m not going to give a timeline/ deadline, because life at the moment seems to be fraught with some pretty big fiascos, but let’s say if all goes well we could actually be looking at a few weeks before it’s done.

It goes on. And it’s good.

PS. someone left a comment with their email (which included 8555 in it) – I responded (because I’m nice like that), but the email bounced back so I can’t really reply. I’m on

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