Much redeye, very grief

Hello you lovely humans! Lots of people say they like the humanity in my comics, which means they get the whole human -turmoily thing, the whole awkward, touching, weirdy comicsy thing. Which is kinda why I write them. So I know people’ll get when I say that this summer has been a bit of a bugger. 

Many of us are dealing with family strife, global pandemic, new depths of poverty [of all sorts], isolation and (considering the symptoms of pandemics) lots of people are now dealing with a grief which is brand new to them, no matter how many deaths they’ve dealt with before. It’s always a new thing, huh?

So this is tough. Tough to sit and be, and not fill our time with lalalala everything’s super, because honestly sometimes it’s not. Well so here’s why I’m blogging for the first time in like 10 days; it’s ok to be sad. It’s ok to sit and be and not have the solution. And maybe the deep wisdom of the lament begins when we don’t have the solution right there and we’re self-aware enough to know that our phones or our comics or our twitter feeds just don’t have the answers right now. Maybe they never did. And maybe it’s not about fixing it. And we begin to really hold a thing which we cannot solve.

That’s more than ok. Especially now. Especially if we’re used to a culture which always points to lalalalala act busy! be happy! when sometimes it’s just not an emotion that’s appropriate. Perhaps this is a globally good time to learn that it’s ok to sit and be. With grief. With turmoil. Just sit there.

It seems part of being whole is being broken. Sorry that doesn’t sound like good news, but it is! 



Soooo …. bit of a delay on the upcoming comic; long story. Will blog properly this coming week hopefully 🙂

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