Ooooh we’re getting close …

My oh my we’re nearly …

Yes, yes I hear you. I want it too, believe me. It’s been a tough old summer, hasn’t it? Time for some Autumn goodness to cool the blood and settle the nerves. I want to especially send some of the good loving to my American friends – you poor chaps are dealing with a strange time right now it seems, even given the strangeness of the last few years, and having to hang on another week just adds to your stress no doubt. We’re a little governmentally wretched in the UK too, it seems, so lots of sympathy going both ways across the Atlantic right now.

Aaanyway, I’ve grabbed a few hours here and there to get my head down and with my photoshopping gloves on, we’ve been ploughing through speech bubbles like there’s no tomorrow! Super duper!

Yes, there will be boobies. Not even joking, to log in and post this very blog, the Captcha was …

… COINCIDENCE?! I hit screenshot because I just couldn’t believe my luck. I’m now thinking I probably need to add a character called Nel, in order to create universal balance and fulfill the Google Captcha prophesy.

Anyway, it’s not definitely going to be this week, but it could actually be out by this Friday. Not sure. Definitely more than a couple of days, though. Next week, absolute tops. More likely next few days. I know.

Honestly, reading this thing through and making final edits, it’s … it’s pretty good. I’d say a solid 9.8 out of 10, and I’d never give myself 10 (who would?), so we’re in a good place, people.

Hooo-eeee, yes sir.

You … you guys like taboo plots and life-changing storylines, right? Cool, cool. 

Check back.

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