It’s beginning to look a lot like Chrrrrrr ….

It’s always amusing reading the comments submitted on my comics, it’s been especially entertaining seeing how people change as they get older – 80% of the comments from people in the 18-25 category are half-formed, self-prioritising claptrap straight out of Justin Biebers how-to archipelago of consumer misery. Whining and ego leading the charge of the…


The quiet project

Now and then it’s good to clear the ol’ noggin and work on something completely different. I had planned to plough through Lithium 8 and get it out before Christmas (have completed the first few scenes), but looking at timings and stuff I think that’d just be a bit stressful. So I think I’ll do…


Autocrats, roll out!

OK that title was a Transformers reference for the nerds. I mean, I’m one of them, sure, sure. It seems many people in a certain beloved country are learning the word ‘Autocrat’ for the first time, and seeing what’s been going on behind a certain administration in a new light perhaps. And that’s fine. Sure,…


A threat of joy.

I was recently threatened by a ‘fan’, saying I shouldn’t something something something … I don’t know, I wasn’t paying attention. I believe I’m capable of making (occasionally ok) decisions, I mean what is this, 1984?! Haha, good times, good times. Enjoy your attempt at intimidation, you are less scary than you think (btw that’s…


Hope for all humans.

It’s weird being a European and seeing this stuff, really. Four years ago a Spanish friend of mine was like “They’ve just voted for their Franco, this is going to be interesting”, and maybe every country needs to do this at some point. We (England) seem to be doing it at the moment as well,…
