A threat of joy.

I was recently threatened by a ‘fan’, saying I shouldn’t something something something … I don’t know, I wasn’t paying attention. I believe I’m capable of making (occasionally ok) decisions, I mean what is this, 1984?! Haha, good times, good times. Enjoy your attempt at intimidation, you are less scary than you think (btw that’s going in the next comic).

What I will say is that people, all people … are brilliant. There, I even said it bigly. People are wonderful, electric, confused, mistaken, creative, fantastic motherfuckers. And I love people so, so much.

And that means you, and that means me. And that’s good news.

If a mark of evil is ‘othering’, perhaps a mark of love is ‘sameing’. You and I. Us.

Perhaps if our friends use a LOT OF CAPITALS to SHOUT their point, revealing the ANGER within …

… perhaps our friends are not our friends at all, but bots. Paid for by Rupert Murdoch. And perhaps we need to be careful what media we listen to, what Facebook groups we pay attention to.

Ultimately though, and no matter the timeline, no matter what Murdoch’s plan for the next four, eight, twelve years …

 … because love will win. So we have nothing to prove. And by ‘we’, I mean all of us.

… effortlessly.

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