Autocrats, roll out!

OK that title was a Transformers reference for the nerds. I mean, I’m one of them, sure, sure.

It seems many people in a certain beloved

country are learning the word ‘Autocrat’ for the first time, and seeing what’s been going on behind a certain administration in a new light perhaps.

And that’s fine.

Sure, it’s annoying …

… but obviously there’s lots that can be done about it. So that’s cool.

Problem with autocratic systems is there are consequences; peopley sort of consequences. Look at Gadafi, Pol Pot, Idi Amin, Stalin, and of course … that guy with the Hitler moustache.

Always peopley consequences, all I’m saying. It’s almost as if hierarchies with a single one-person pinnacle, must rely on the utter devaluing and devastation of entire categories of humanity! Who knew, eh? Tssss, this is completely new information! 

Perhaps someone who says “Grab ’em by the pussy” isn’t just saying silly words, but is in fact revealing a deeply problematic root philosophy, eh? Hahaha, so so so so funny.

Ahhh, good times, good times. *wipes tear from eye*

Aaaanyway, peopley consequences. We write and read stories to learn about ourselves.

History warns us what we’re like. Experts do, too. So you’d have to undermine the value of experts and flood the media with dead-end idiot commentary before really making a move on democracy, right?

But not to worry. The autocratic path is also a path with an extremely predictable endpoint. An endpoint brought about by good people doing the right thing. The human response is always deep, and it is wildly effective. 

It seems that autocrats have a tendency to die in ditches and bunkers … and that’s not even a political statement or even a mean comment, it’s just an interesting fact. 

Tum tee-tum tee-tum.


(Windows ’98 was a nice touch, I thought …)

Legends walk among us.

They are us.

Quake, despots.

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