Hope for all humans.

It’s weird being a European and seeing this stuff, really. Four years ago a Spanish friend of mine was like “They’ve just voted for their Franco, this is going to be interesting”, and maybe every country needs to do this at some point. We (England) seem to be doing it at the moment as well, robbing an economy in the name of saving an economy. Golf clap. Truth declines, lives get cheapened, anger and blame increase. Every time. It’s literally textbook.

Not sure how much corruption and fascism it takes before voters start learning, but it’s apparently quite a lot. 


Strange how Religion/Christianity is often cited in excusing atrocious behavior.

People seem to get confused and say “well, Jesus stood up to people, so we’re being awesome like him”, not recognising their own radicalisation. What Jesus really did was get involved when people used good places for bad things, and he debated the guys who put themselves on idolatrous pedestals. 

Jesus lifted up the voice of the downtrodden, the ‘other’, and he dismantled the religious hypocrites.

Crucially, he was clear, consistent. He never used blame, ever. 

He didn’t need conspiracy theories, and very rarely used any actual anger. Real leaders don’t need to, it seems. Real leaders don’t use blame.

So if you’re being like Jesus, you will be calm, unafraid, you’ll defend immigrants, protect the poor, and you won’t use blame. You’ll be VERY selective with anger, and the people who follow you will feel peace. Probably some symptoms for us all to look out for. If we’re doing it right, the symptoms will be there.

Religious hypocrisy aside, if the definition of a villain is someone who convinces good people to do bad things (and even convinces them they’re doing good), perhaps the definition of a hero is therefore someone who stands with bad people and teaches them to do good things, discover their own greatness.

It seems a lot of people are witnessing the slow, gentle dethroning of a true villain. Not an evil man, but someone who needs help.

For balance, here’s a Republican example of someone great. Personally I think this is what humility, greatness really looks like, Republican McCain’s speech:

(Skip to 1:50)

So we have hope for all humans honouring the democratic process, because these humans are freaking awesome.

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