The quiet project

Now and then it’s good to clear the ol’ noggin and work on something completely different. I had planned to plough through Lithium 8 and get it out before Christmas (have completed the first few scenes), but looking at timings and stuff I think that’d just be a bit stressful. So I think I’ll do the other thing: not rush it. Everyone relax.

However … I’ve been letting the goopy stuff in my head do its thing (a dangerous process which involves long baths and soapy things, err happening, sure, sure), and have come up with a few ideas. Yay! This is going to be a bit different for me. I mean ok, there’ll be nudity, and utopian character design, and of course there’ll be space and pew pew, but stylistically it’s a bit of a tangent.

I feel like 0bh7 was my first real ‘writing’ comic, where I really let rip and didn’t worry too much about explaining everything. This new comic is going to be a challenge in that I’m going to do the opposite; describe all things but not use any words. Hehh. I like the idea that words are so important that if we use them sparingly, transcendantly enough, we no longer need them. Our language falls away as we just become ‘us’, we learn to talk without talking. Talk beyond talk, grace beyond grace. Effortless. That’s our natural state.

I guess during these times of cataclysm, it’s good to be gentle with ourselves, and if forcing a certain thing is causing us pressure, we have to choose to be easy with ourselves and just let the mind wander a bit. Have a little moment in fiction, undo the tight strings of the real, put the phone down, drop the shame of not doing the things that ‘ought’ to be done, and allow ourselves to experience peace. A little out of control, a little out of order, a little dangling of the feet in the good water.

(Out of Control. Get it? You got it, you got it.)

 Better check the lighti… OH MY GOD that’s working ok CARRY ON, JONATHAN
I might get one of those internet-connected listening devices that Jeff B wants me to put in my home, purely so I can rename it Jonathan and shout things at it PLAY MOZART, JONATHAN! ORDER CHEESE, JONATHAN! Oh god I’ve gone wrong, haven’t I? Time for a bath …

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