Beep beep beep.

Hello! OK so there’s good news and bad news, bad news is I think my rendering machine might be properly bust ~ yes of course everything’s backed up, but the motherboard is literally fried, even though the ram and CPUs are happy; joints and stuff are to blame, and I really don’t want to go over it with a microscope and find the thing that’s not connected, because (1) I’m in no way qualified to look at fixing anything more complex than a rubber band, and (2) it’s nearly Christmas, and I think we should all, really, be focusing on either enjoying some mindless/mindfulness time … or … be just basically trying to survive this whole, you know, cataclysm.

Wow that whole thing was one big sentence, well done everyone who waded through it! So that was the bad news, good news is I’m feeling healthy! Ahhh, not to be underestimated, the ol’ health. Let’s not take it for granted, eh? Another thing not to be taken for granted: privacy, that’s why I tend not to open Patreons nor publicise my Paypal, because although I know people will want to support me in all sorts of ways, (possibly including helping me replace my broken render machine); following the money has historically always been a great way to corner people. And if there’s one thing I hate more than being broke, it’s being cornered! So let’s just have a little rest and a rethink for a bit, shall we? (Ideas for receiving money in a non-trackable way gratefully received, and no I don’t understand bitcoin).

For the first time in 18 months I’m not actually cramming 3D rendering/scene production into every spare moment, I’m letting the spare moments be spare moments, learning perhaps to unwind a little and let the difficult thoughts come up a bit. It’s not an easy choice, but I think it’s a wise one – letting lament happen rather than covering it over with MOAR netflix and MOAR booby eyegasms and MOAR scrambling around on social media.

So this is a very gentle blog post, really. No sermonising. No politicking. Not even any encouraging. Let’s just be us for a bit, eh?

Aaaand, as I can’t render anything right now, have a random selection of images that’ve been uploaded to this blog 🙂

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