The hardest part of 3D comiccing …

 … is the break-the-4th-wall face. Sounds (and looks) stupid, I know, I know. I’ve done 3D comics for a little while now, and though I haven’t really got the hang of caustics (it’s a light paths thing; you’ll see caustics slightly improve even within Lithium 8 …), it’s fair to say I have mostly figured…


So … I’m working on a comic …

… it’s called *checks notes* … The Hydrogen Comic, or something like that. Molybdenum? Manganese? It’s some element … got a few electrons orbiting with each other, and then a third electron in another orbit. Huh. It’s almost as if … anway. I’m working on Calcium Comic 8, and wouldn’t ya know, I’ve just spaffed…


Good times a comin’

  Relief. Relief. So weird, didn’t expect that. I guess when someone you love has lived with an abuser for so long, you learn to live with the tension, the self-control of wanting the best for your friend but always knowing there’s this ongoing rumble of abuse. So when the abuser is gone (even temporarily),…


Free from fear.

Last summer, one or two guys messaged me with warnings galore about how I shouldn’t dare make any kind of political comment in my upcoming comic because all my fans would desert me and nobody would read my comics anymore, and I’d lose literally half of my readership. I mean clearly I ignored the warnings…


The slow brain.

  Maybe it’s the Skylar part of me (I hope it is), but I do have this tendency to slow my thoughts and actions to a snail’s pace when it comes to certain levels of change. Einstein reckoned ability to change was a sign of intelligence, which doesn’t bode well for me recently because change…
