So … I’m working on a comic …

… it’s called *checks notes* … The Hydrogen Comic, or something like that. Molybdenum? Manganese? It’s some element … got a few electrons orbiting with each other, and then a third electron in another orbit. Huh. It’s almost as if … anway. I’m working on Calcium Comic 8, and wouldn’t ya know, I’ve just spaffed out 177 renders in the last few weeks! Cor blimey Mary Poppins, that’s a ruddy tonne of creative juices flowin about the place, wot wot! 

So we’re at about 90 pages so far, and considering all the complexity and mayhem of the earlier scenes, we should … if anything … speed up for the second half.

I’m not saying it’s imminent – it’s not. Not by a long way – I haven’t even started putting the pages together yet, and the later sex scenes (oooOOooo, spoiler alert, hardly ever put THOSE in my comics, do I?) are traditionally more complex to achieve, because as those who have enjoyed sex with a loving equal can testify – they’re flipping character-interactive and nuanced and intimate and banging with pure fucking joy. So it’s a bit of work trying to put that across in 3D with pretend Barbie and Ken dolls that don’t even exist except in the melting brain of my poorly computer, so don’t anybody start holding any breath. Half the rendering still to go.

And just so everyone knows, here UK we’re in our third lockdown (because we keep failing to lockdown until it’s too late, so we’re riding a series of inadequate lockdowns like the geniuses we are. 100k dead and counting. Thanks super-right-wing government that still refuses to listen to scientists! You suck!), so things may still hit the fan with my workload and availability to do comiccing. In fact let’s just be honest and point out that I’m a human and susceptible to viral attack as part of the whole fragility-of-life thing, so it’s entirely possible the next comic never ever gets done. DARK ENOUGH FOR YA? No no no, you can cope, you can cope. Part of the honour of life is facing death, and frankly the more I see of it, the less fearful I seem to become. Huh.

I’ll put some development renders up over the next few weeks probably, but will try not to give anything away. Except the fact that there’s going to be sex. Because sex is awesome.

Again … comic NOT imminent. You’ll know when it is, because I’ll start using more gifs.

“It’s imminent! It’s imminent!”

… I said all this and you’re still going to think the next comic is imminent, aren’t you? It’s not.

… it’s not though.

“It’s not imminent.”
“I hear what you’re saying. And what I hear, is the word ‘imminent'”
“Ffs. It’s probably going to be MONTHS!”
“Err, look at the first paragraph, she literally used the word weeks. So.”
“Chrrrrist it’s like talking to a chihuahua.”

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