
Ok things have gone a bit cray cray at work and I haven’t had a chance to catch breath, but it looks like people are here and commenting, thank you – I’ll try and respond to comments as always.

Comic development has had a break for a week as my brain has been dedicated to some real life shenanigans, which kind of is-what-it-is (I hate that phrase), and I’m sure nobody minds that I’m not able to dedicate myself entirely to outputting comics, as we all know that shenanigans can be a little … shenaniganny.

It’s interesting that I used to get lots of messages from people telling me to hurry up on the next comic – but since I’ve said “Yeah, don’t do that.” people have stopped! Which is kind of amazing, you have to admit. That does rather suggest that people actually read my blog posts, which you might expect of the real comic fans but perhaps the less patient people just looking for free comics are not people I’d expect to actually read my train-of-thought rambling blog posts. But they do seem to, so that’s pretty cool. Perhaps it’s all the tits.

Aaaanyway, not much to update everyone on as not much has happened in my little comic world this week, but let’s have a dip into the completed renders and share a few little glimpses, shall we? That first picture is part of a daydreaming sequence that Jack’s imagining during the school day – this doesn’t give anything away because really he’s reflecting on the all-nighter session he’s just enjoyed with his sister (ie Lithium Comic 7, which I’m sure you’ve probably all read). It’s nice having those 3D scene files because I can just open the scene up and render it from slightly different angles, get someone’s view of something, which is pretty cool – it’s like having 3D memories on file and being able to re-visit them. 

Hot dang I’d love to have that for real-life memories, because, my goodness, I have a few I’d like to revisit, let me tell you. I’m sure we all have certain moments we’d like to enjoy again … from all angles.


Aaaanyway, this second image is a non-spoiler crop showing some lovely water. Again, hot, and it’s worth re-iterating, dang (I hope I’m using that right); that water looks rather sumptuous you have to admit. I’d like to share more pics but … I won’t.

Have you ever sat, alone, in a jacuzzi (… ahem … ladies … enough said …), or hot tub (one with pulsing water jets, sure, sure) … or had some intimate moments with a person who made your heart explode? Ever had a memory or two that you’d like to revisit? Perhaps there are some precious times you’d like to try again, or revisit if only to say something differently, more gently, more slowly?

Perhaps I wish I’d spoken out at a few moments, but I think I learnt to do that at a fairly young age; my only regrets seem to be of times when I’ve said too much, too loudly, or jumped to conclusions too eagerly. I can’t think of a single time I wish I had been more angry or loud.

But if I hadn’t made those mistakes, perhaps my ego would be the unregulated monster that so many girls and boys seem to harbour, and so perhaps I need to hold my mistakes to myself, and see them as precious for the person they made [/are making] me.

Huh. Kinda backwards. 

Didn’t expect that from a rambling blog post.


Also fun: orgasms! You heard it here first. Hot tubs and … well, anything with decent water jets. Just putting that out there. Public service announcement, you’re welcome.

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