Rendering!!!!! Hooooly smokes

I so want to share tons of renders here but it’d all be spoilers, so it’s … hard. And wet. Oh heck, this next comic is going to be pretty good. 

 You never know, you know? You have this idea in your head, and this script in your hands (and by hands I mean laptop), but until you actually start putting the scenes together you can’t really see what it’s going to be like.

And I think I might’ve done the cover; that moment when you’re rendering something and it’s like OHHHHH yes that might work. Hello. < that happened, so that’s good. About 4 scenes left to render, so we’re still not imminent, but it’s going well. Cooking on gas. Sexy gas.

OK fine, have a legit render from comic – this one doesn’t give anything away at least 🙂

Ahhhhh … spring is coming … 🙂


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