Argh whyyyy

must real life rear its ugly/beautiful head so bloody often eh EH??? It seems if we try to care and love, then we are choosing a difficult, narrow path indeed! The more I understand the path, the harder it seems to get, what the hell is going on?!?! At this rate I think I should expect a ‘Fall’ sometime soon, because that seems to be the pattern of things: I’m strugglin right now, getting pulled in 900 different directions. That normally means a fall phase is brewin’ … uh-oh … ah well, lean into it this time, Sindy …

Honestly ladies and gentlemen, if you knew who I NOTHING TO SEE HERE (ARGH it’s so hard not giving details away because that’d MOVE ALONG I AM NOBODY. CARRY ON ABOUT YOUR BUSINESS

ANYWAY just running in to make a cup of tea and give comic fans a quick update!

Comic update:

Renders: done
Pages: 173 photoshopped, about 25 to go … omg we might be at 200 by the time we’re complete! Madness.
Bubbles: still only to page 10 – that’s going to take a few days to do 190 pages of speech bubbles … if I can just … get a few days … hrrrnggg … gyugggg …

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