Cover preview thingy tiramisu have a break little delay but nice thingy yum yum

OK! I have a plan. Life has done that thing of avalanching in, but fear not, the comic is almost there.

Wish I could release the comic today as anticipated, but I need to (1) finish the last 10 pages of speech bubbles (won’t take long), and then (2) I need a couple of hours to read it right through and tweak some of the final stuff before I release it into the wild (which also takes a bit of faffing / upload time), so instead of exploding in 350 different directions this weekend (traveling, support bubbles, tiramisu, you name it), I’m going to take everyone’s advice, and say a leisurely and un-rushed Monday – also saves you lot from constantly checking the blog. Sorry to delay, but things have been … thingy.

Someone asked if I was Boris Johnson – I can’t believe you’ve cracked my anonymity! Gutted,  I’m going to have to be pretty careful now! Please don’t tell on me. I’ve been missing Cobra meetings and just ‘winging it’ for over a year now, and frankly the comics have been more fun than any decision-making I’m supposed to be doing. So yes, I confess. It’s me. Bo Jo.

Just doing the final check-through, on the tube, while heading into Westminster for another ‘important’ meeting.


(Yep, that’s the cover preview, right there. Comic 8: After School Club. )



Monday 🙂

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