Extras! Unused renders! Deleted scenes! Beer! Milk?

Feedback has been amazing for the recent Lithium Comic 8 – really glad it hit the spot for so many, and also pretty glad nobody’s ranted at me about either the theological stuff or some of the life-y stuff! Yay! Well done, everybody.

To be honest, the whole sex buildup since the Lithium series began was aimed very pointedly towards Lithium 7 (where they finally do it), so following that was always going to be a tough one.

Anyway, here’s a bunch of stuff for your enjoyment. And ok … maybe the blog title’s over-ambitious; there’s no actual deleted scenes as such, but here’s a bunch of renders that didn’t quite make the cut …

Image above: first attempt at the cover. Didn’t work because it’s too zoomed out, wouldn’t work as a tiny thumbnail (which is what comic covers generally become) because it looks like a confusing mess of … Aldi sausages?

Squerlchh … this is when they’re fighting over the TV remote on the sofa. Just didn’t think the insertion depth was quite right, that’s all. AGAIN!

I was going for “Ooh I’m having a nice orgasm”, but it turned out more like “Ooh, my sister has just snapped my neck”. So I did it again.

This was just a rubbish render.

And another one.

Maybe this made it in, can’t remember, but it’s pretty poor in terms of pose, expression and general vibe. Ah well! Stick it on the internets anyway, eh?!

And finally … we were aiming for “Ooh, I’m horny.” But what we got was “Ooh I’m having a stroke.”




Happy Friday everyone! Yayy!

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