Lithium comic 9 … under development!

Whaaaat? I’ve already done the first 25 pages of the next comic?!?! Goodness me, what a busy little bugger I am!

This next comic is not only going to have the utterly greatest title of all time, it’s also going to include … well let’s be honest there may be some nudity. But do you remember the first few comics of Lithium and the first OHB? Zero actual sex. That’s right. So all of you complaining that there’s too much sex in these comics (literally no-one), are in for a treat!

OK I’m kidding, there are hump times. And anger. And a liiiittle bit of mayhem. And if I was doing things in order there would also be the final OHB out before Lithium 9, but to be honest I’m holding off on that one even if there are OHB spoilers in Lithium 9 – you’ll just have to wait for all my comics to complete before you can read the entire ridiculous tapestry in one cohesive interwoven storyline. 

But just a casual reminder: these are my comics and I’m writing them as I jolly well like. So that means that even if people aren’t into the stupid pointless nonsense bits …

… the plotless time-wasting silly bits …


… even the bits that seem pointless but have a faintly-concealed purpose …

… those kinda things will still be in the next comic. Because I’ve learnt that they give me joy to create. They give me a big silly grin as I write them, model them, put them together.
So maybe they have a purpose after all, maybe they form an essential bit of the reality of the story I’m telling. Maybe even if they didn’t, or we didn’t realise it, maybe it’d be ok to keep that stuff in. Because maybe life is a bit dumb and fucking brilliant and that’s gotta be worth celebrating now and then, hey? Yup.
Life is lifeish. And there are these tender moments which burn into our fingertips and our tummies and we are wrecked and contorted and overjoyed and yearning and missing and overawed by it. And that’s just a wonder that can be hugged and kissed and told it’s ok, it’s ok.


I was nearly asleep.

Let’s wake up.

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