Oooh, ok, this might not be going so bad … hold on …

OK so just to give the more obsessive-y-struggling people some space – don’t hold you breath, and don’t keep refreshing this blog, but … whisper it … we’re getting there.

Comic update

Renders: done
Pages: done (201! Crazy)
Bubbles: complete to page 135.
Juicy, spunky detail: 80% complete.

That’s right. Should be maybe this weekend. Ish. Don’t check more than three times a day though, seriously it’s not good for you and it won’t complete your life, it’s just a comic, I promise.

I mean a fucking good one, sure, sure.

Footnote: I don’t have time to log into disqus (I literally … Captcha is just a nightmare), but wanted to say thank you to everyone for such wonderful, positive, grown-up and life-affirming comments you’ve been submitting on my previous blog post. What a joy you all are.

Plus boobs.

P.P.S. In photoshopping these bubbles onto the pages I’ve been going through the dialogue again, and spent the entire time with a big grin on my face. It’s good, it’s good. Even if I’m the only one who finds my dumb jokes funny, I’m pretty happy hehehh. Plus it’s sexy, oh my good gracious it’s sexy. Hooo-eee, yes. There’s some almighty rigid cocks in this one, let me tell you. Hrrrrnggggggg. Plus, as mentioned, boobs etc. And metaphors that will make you brain weep, sure.

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