The great golden helmet of joy

OK! Big fan of conundra, me. Ya paradoxes, ya dichotomies, ya dilemmas; big fan, big fan. In the upcoming comic, I’ll be honest it’s a big of a grey area in terms of how it pans out – we could go in a number of directions at this stage and I’m trying to walk that…


Wahoo, waboo.

I try and be a human, and I do have these amazing sparks of joy and connection … but then it seems everything kinda catches up with me and it all stops and I feel a bit like a paper-thin marionette. Know what I mean? Hey I’ve got it all sussed! I’m amazing wahoo! Oh…


Incredibly Hot Playmates

  I just got an email recommending I whatever with ‘incredibly hot playmates’, and I just thought YES, now that would make a good comic title! And then I thought about it a bit and I changed my mind. No, it wouldn’t. Aaaanyway, how’s tricks, internet? Next comic is coming along nicely. I’m now in…


The how to find my comics, Plan B blog post

  Occurred to me that I only have this one blog (I’ve closed my deviantart etc to simplify stuff), and Google is probably the worst host I could’ve chosen for that. Ah well, let’s discuss a plan B shall we?  Google occasionally randomly closes accounts, responds over-zealously to reports or just plain ditches blogs as…
