Incredibly Hot Playmates


I just got an email recommending I whatever with ‘incredibly hot playmates’, and I just thought YES, now that would make a good comic title! And then I thought about it a bit and I changed my mind. No, it wouldn’t.

Aaaanyway, how’s tricks, internet? Next comic is coming along nicely. I’m now in that phase of trying to decide whether or not to add another sexy scene in it or just leave it as is and plough through some dialog-y scenes instead, as per plan. Think I’ll just plough on and read it through, decide later if it needs more sexiness. I suspect it doesn’t, tbh. Might end on a bit of a cliffhangar rather than a lovely smooth intimate moment – there’s been enough of those in recent Lithiums and I like to do things differently at every opportunity.

Funny thing is (and a complete tangent, sure), the bit that can often take longest when I’m about to publish a comic, is the stupid meme faces thing I’ve been adding to Lithium since the start. This stuff:

… finding the right face/context always takes ages, but it’s totally worth it imo. The reference in the recent Lithium #8, with Star Trek’s Beverly Crusher – that one was the very last thing I did before publishing, and it went through 5 different iterations before I found the picture that worked best haha! Ah, the timewasting nonsense of a fool, eh? Silliness.

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