OK! Big fan of conundra, me. Ya paradoxes, ya dichotomies, ya dilemmas; big fan, big fan.
In the upcoming comic, I’ll be honest it’s a big of a grey area in terms of how it pans out – we could go in a number of directions at this stage and I’m trying to walk that narrow path between too much ‘fanservice’ kinda gratuitous nudity sexytimes – which always ends up ruining the ‘reality’ of any given situation, and therefore ironically lessening the actual sexiness … and the ‘storyline’ kinda path which does too much chat chat blah blah explanation-y plotness, and ends up ruining not only the believableness but the joy and mystery and sexiness too! Tis a tricky conundrum, mateys!! Ahh, it’s a bit like life …
What I do know, is that our adventure continues, very much in space, very much an adventure, and very much yum yum. There are some bits which make me giggle very much, and some yuminess that does rather … make one salivate. I’m also considering making this a ‘Freudian’ special edition (with like a sticker on the cover sort of thing), because there are tons of references to Mummy issues, anal fixations, battling the ‘id’, all that wonderful slightly-outdated-and-disproven-but-still-some-good-points Freudian stuff.
For the record I’m more your Jung end of the spectrum, but when Freud goes off on one about bum holes and everything being about his Mum, you have to applaud the guy’s journey, and what he did for brains the world over.
Aaaanyway … not that I’m a psychoanalyst by any means, but heck I’ve watched enough arguments between Frasier and his brother Niles to reckon I’ve got a good user-level handle on pop-psychology! Hooray!! Making-stuff-up-feeling-like-critical-thinking is the best!
Next comic: it’s gonna be an adventure
“It says here that you’re a dickhead.”