Cheeky dang kids!

I’ve just looked at the stats for this blog, and judging by the technology (an old Blackberry or a WiiU or an XBox browser …), this tech implies that there are some very cheeky children about the place!

If you’re under 18 and are visiting this blog on a Nintendo 3DS or whatever, late at night when mummy or daddy aren’t paying attention … please go away and come back when you’re much older! I mean I’m sure you’re wonderful and lovely, but this kinda thing really is for adults.

This isn’t because adults get special things that kids can’t have … it’s because adults tend to have a greater understanding of real human relationships and their own weaknesses and mistakes, and can therefore discern their way through some of the nonsense fantasy they find in erotica or general porn, without it impacting them too much … unlike you dang impressionable kids!

Although my stuff is fairly wholesome (I mean, apart from the whole incestuous thing, sure), the vast majority of what you’ll find out there on the interweb, browsing from your tiny DS screen, will give you terrifyingly toxic attitudes – particularly to members of the opposite sex.

Which will impact your relationships and your ability to have relationships. I’m not saying it might … I’m saying it will. Because it does. 

For example, a huge part of the problems that men are enacting (not all men but a shit ton of them) … massive increases in femicide … massive issues around mental health and violence towards women … huge increase in strangulation cases and abuse of women … a huge proportion of the increase of that stuff in recent decades, is down to increases in consumption of tragic pornography. Sorry lads. It doesn’t just affect victims lives, it destroys the perpetrators lives as well.

Inconvenient to believe that our fantasies affect real life, but they do seem to. How we play with our toys matters.

The stuff that we choose to consume does have an active impact on our subconscious, our decision-making, and our perceptions of everything from our own self-worth to how we think it may be appropriate to hurt someone to get what we want.

So let’s take this minor platform of mine and take the opportunity to encourage [young] people not rush to the consumption of nasty porn, because it comes at a cost. There are paths that lead away from addictions, maybe seek them.

Real sex with real humans is brilliant, wonderful, gentle, fantastic, learning and exploring sessions of delicate beauty, in an inexplainable way that porn … simply … isn’t. But if you will insist on consuming adult stuff – something to watch out for is basically anything where one person dominates another, or both parties aren’t entirely happy about what they’re doing together: – that’s how to spot shit sex. It’s addictive because it’s controlling (and control is a bit of a comfort when you feel out of control or lost), but control/abuse of another human will rot your heart out.

Sex without equality isn’t sex, it’s just abuse.

Maybe this is a challenge for us all, maybe we shouldn’t try to pass off trauma as culture, unresolved issues as ‘kinks’. 

I don’t mean to shame anyone for their particular whims (I have plenty of my own!), what I’m saying is that topics in porn can be extremely damaging and are likely to escalate – so we really need to be self-aware with this stuff, before we find ourselves addicted to increasingly violent, grim, abusive, or downright illegal content, thinking it’s just our own indelible shame. 

I want people to be freeeeee!!!! Because I am a person!!!! Yeayyyy!!!

Free from shame! Free from dead-ends! Free from addictions! Free from isolation! Free from self-hatred! Free from loneliness! Free to be real and loved and true and whole again. All of us. Maybe someone should write a series of comics about thaOH SNAP!

Ok, bye then! Be careful what you consume! Grow up and then come baaaack! Use your Xbox for gaming ooonlyyyy … okayyyyy???? Yayy!

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