Cover preview! Woop woop!

 OK so having done 138 pages now, I only just worked out what the cover should be, and rendered it out …

So here’s a little preview because when the final comic lands, nobody’s going to notice these details as they ravenously consume the comiccy goodness within, so let’s have a calm look, shall we?


The main thing to notice is there are Caustic-like shiny internal-reflection-y light-gathering glowingness thingies within Charlie’s spacesuit! Look! Look at the little glowing-y light bits!! I added the red arrow so you can see what bit I mean.

You don’t get that unless you have your refractions/caustics reacting beautifully in a proper physical rendering situation! Hoorayyyy! 

OK, fine nobody cares but me, but heck I was pretty happy seeing them turn up! 

I also put Freud (from Bill & Ted … you know, the real Freud) on the cover because the idea of doing so made me chuckle.  

On a separate subject, someone commented saying I owe them OHB #8 … I mean that’s a pretty sure-fire way to get an artist to do the opposite of what you want and delay as much as possible, huh? This is a small part of the reason why I don’t do the whole Patreon thing … people thinking they own you / your time. Ahhh, capitalism … got a lot to answer for in terms of relationship skills.

Anyway, I was always going to complete Lithium 7, 8 and 9 first anyway, so any other projects will have to get in line I’m afraid. Good news is Lithium 9’s in the final scenes production stages! Happy weekend everybodyyyyyy!!!!

PS. Oh snap, hold on, I normally do the cover preview like three days before the comic lands – no way this time, I’m still about a month off releasing Lithium 9 I’m afraid – I’ve done nearly 140 pages but there’s 3 scenes still to produce and then all the bits like final edit and all the speech bubbles. Looking at 3-5 weeks.

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