Wishlists! Yay!

Ok if you ever thought you’d like to buy me something, I figure now and then I’ll make a wishlist of a few 3D things, that way people can get involved 🙂 So here goes, one little wishlist: Renderosity: https://www.renderosity.com/rr/mod/bcs/wishlist/?uid=946092 ^ This includes a bunch of stuff I still need for the upcoming comic, so…


The subtle things …

  I thought I’d open an old file for lols but I was too impatient to include the proper character customisations files and … well … So this is a lesson in what happens to 3D scenes when you don’t put any effort into making the people people. A few test renders that made me…


Working on a comic …

  Wouldn’t you believe it, I’m working on a comic! I’m not going to reveal which one it is though, just because. Anyway, you want to hear the bad news? I wrote the entire comic script, and then … I lost the text file. That’s right, it was sitting there for well over a year…


Exciting debriefs are the best! Yewwww

Phew. What a lot of feedback everyone’s given on the recent comic! Well done, everybody. Comments ranged from “Worst part ever in all comics” to “The best one yet!” – so that’s … quite the range, hahaha! (^ Marks out of 10) Looks like the vast majority of people enjoyed it really – and it…


A lovely June day …

It’s sunny, wonderful things are happening all around the world, and … whisper it … there is another free Lithium comic on its way! Yay! Here in sunny Europe, we haven’t even heard anything about the American President for months, which if I’m totally honest, is a massive, massive relief! Phew. Let’s hope those amazing…


Rendering’s done! Toot tooooottt!

OK sure I get my sound effects from little boats and such, but the thing is the rendering for Lithium #9 is all done! YEOOOWWW! TOOOOOOT! PAAAAARPPPPP!!! I’m putting little speech bubbles on and fitting the last bunch of pages together, but the scenes and renders are all done. Ish. Almost. OK fine I just…


Comic previews …

OK we’re nearing the final few scenes of Lithium 9: speech bubbles are even done up to page like 130 or something, so we’re getting through it! Yay! To celebrate, here are two comic page previews which don’t give anything away. I’ll do them as links so if you really don’t want any spoilers whatsoever,…
