A lovely June day …

It’s sunny, wonderful things are happening all around the world, and … whisper it … there is another free Lithium comic on its way! Yay! Here in sunny Europe, we haven’t even heard anything about the American President for months, which if I’m totally honest, is a massive, massive relief! Phew. Let’s hope those amazing national parks are getting looked after once more, huh?

OK this week is a total right-off (literally, it’s hectic af, not even joking) so I can’t release the comic right now, but just for a quick update – I’ve done all the renders, and now done all the pages, and even all the bubbles up to page 150 or something. There’s 173 ish pages which is a bit annoying because it’s not a nice number like 232 or 128 or 256 or 512 or 69 or 84 or 36 or 76 or 58 or 912, so I might add a few spare pages when I’m done, just so there’s 175 because that’s quite a nice number.

Yes, that’s right, these are the sorts of things I fixate on. Plot, script, even scene creation takes no effort whatsoever, I totally focus on the details, the backgrounds, the symbolism, the page numbering, the timings, silly little things like that. I’d like to think it’s a sign of genius, but it may well just be inefficient human madness. Ah well, we each have our own little brand of human madness so I guess that’s ok, right? Right! Have a break for a week or so and there’ll be a fresh comic waiting for you soon enough!

Have some random images from this blog, just for fun:

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