Comic previews …

OK we’re nearing the final few scenes of Lithium 9: speech bubbles are even done up to page like 130 or something, so we’re getting through it! Yay!

To celebrate, here are two comic page previews which don’t give anything away. I’ll do them as links so if you really don’t want any spoilers whatsoever, you can avoid them.

Can you though? Can you? CAN you resist?!?! Try it!

THE FIRST is just a silly bed moment.

THE SECOND gives away a bit about what Bob and Skylar might get up to. But that’s not really a spoiler, because this is a HUGE freudian-issues comic with LOTS going on. With everybody. Yep. It’s a good one.

Don’t click the links though. Resist it. MWA-HA-HAAAAAAAAaaaoh too late.

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