Rendering’s done! Toot tooooottt!

OK sure I get my sound effects from little boats and such, but the thing is the rendering for Lithium #9 is all done! YEOOOWWW! TOOOOOOT! PAAAAARPPPPP!!!

I’m putting little speech bubbles on and fitting the last bunch of pages together, but the scenes and renders are all done. Ish. Almost. OK fine I just need to open 3 poser files and render tiny thin renders on them, but we’re basically there with the renders. Slightly bad news is my diary looks like a casserole for the next week and a half, so I’m not sure when I’m going to get time to finish the pages and speech bubbles, but true to form, I’m bound to squeeze the work in somewhere here and there. 

So we’re not saying imminent yet, but we are saying … SOON! Yay!

Also, minor spoiler but I’m fairly certain the music in this next comic is going to be courtesy of Gloria Estefan. I don’t make the rules buOH WAIT I DO MAKE THE RULES YAY! This is the fun thing about comic / story / any art creation – you’re in charge, just expressing the thing that needs expressing. Maybe that’s why art is so therapeutic, it’s a little world you shape, a little place to form from the depths of your little wonderful heart.

So if you don’t believe yourself to be creative, at least believe yourself to be human, and believe the artists who tell you that you are wonderfully capable and that any art takes a bit of work, a bit of struggle and its fair share of bollocks moments when you think you’re terrible at everything. BUT in there, in that little powerful heart of yours, is a story that needs to be told. So tell it! Begin!!

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