The subtle things …


I thought I’d open an old file for lols but I was too impatient to include the proper character customisations files and … well …

So this is a lesson in what happens to 3D scenes when you don’t put any effort into making the people people. A few test renders that made me laugh and cry in equal measure, haha!

I mean … ok this is laughable but there are quite a few ‘erotic’ comics out there which literally look like this. Lots of decent render ability, but zero personal touches, no subtle expression, no human shape customisations, believable poses, lop-sided faces … this is what you end up with if you take the humanity out of your scenes because you’re so focussed on humping your lifeless Barbie and Ken dolls together …

Terrifying. Makes me want to read Comic 8 again, make it all better haha!

People often comment on my work, saying I make the characters seem like real people – and that’s great because to me that’s kinda the whole point, I can’t understand why 3D artists don’t do that, I don’t really understand how you can bang out a render like this and be like “Yep. That’s done!”. 

Maybe I should screen record myself setting up an entire 3D scene, so people see how I do it. Probably 30% of the work is making things non-symmetrical, or balancing the characters so you can ‘feel’ the gravity in the room, adding a bit of a one-eyed squint here or there.

It’s those subtle asymmetrical details that make life so good 🙂

And the lack of them is …

… is …

HahahahaaaaaaaaaAAARGHHHHHHH why my eyeeeessssss heheh

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