Comic update: it’s warm.

Comic’s chugging along (updates below), and the world is turning nicely. I don’t know if you’re in a part of the world that’s having a heatwave right now, but I am. It’s hot. Damn hot. As hot as a monkey’s anus. Climbing into bed is like tucking oneself into a just-cooked lasagna.

Aaanyway, the next comic has juuuust passed that tipping point, where I go from being like “hmm, this is ok”, to being more “oooh!”. So that’s good.

Most of the rendering is done done done. Yay! Just one more (fairly large) scene to render, but most of the complex stuff is done, and I’ve even built the first hundred pages. Reading through the story so far, I was like “Oooh, ooh what happens next?!” so that’s a good sign hehh.

But the comic’s not imminent, cos … you know … summer beckons. And knowing me, that means most of August getting hotter and hotter until I die of sweat poisoning IT’S A THING, so don’t expect the comic this week. Or next week either, I’m afraid. Did I mention it’s hot?

Probably also worth mentioning Climate Change at this point. Because … you know … floods, heatwaves and hail within a few days. Good luck everybody! Please stop listening to climate change deniers and various tax-avoidance-for-billionaires-based misinformation media outlets! Ok thanks everyone! Byeeeee

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