Jen! Jen! Jen! Jen!

Ahhh, this next comic’s going swimmingly, I thought I’d take a little break from ignoring my work duties, and also a break from procrastinating with animations and nonsense in Poser, to bring the spotlight onto our lovely Jen.

I know the comic’s about her sister, but Jen is really cool too. I could just easily carried away making ‘origins’ -type stories for everyone who we come across really – I’ve had fun doing that with Mike and a bit with Bob, and we’re learning a little more about Skylar’s abilities too … but as I’m drawing this particular series to a close I can’t help but wonder what the past threads are for Jen and Suki. 

Ah well, we’ll probably never know 🙂

Suffice it to say… she’s lovely.

Also big thanks to everyone who’s bought one or two things from my wishlist – if anyone else would like to buy something, please feel free – but don’t stress about it, they’re just fun things for me to play with really 🙂


That image at the top was just a test one for lighting, I just swapped Jen in to add to that old shower scene. The pic below is a proper one from the comic. But just a generic shot … no spoilers 🙂


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