Rendering’s done!! HELLOoo next comic!

Ehrmagherd!! I accidentally an entire comic! A whole one! OK so I need to add speech bubbles onto like hundreds of pages, but apart from that minor details IT’S DONE, BABY!!!! Wahooooo!!!! Final in the series is here, and it’s a beaut, lemme tell you! There’s even … whisper it … sex scenes in this one!?!?!? WHAAAT?!!?! Super unusual for me to put sex scenes in a comic, but I thought, you know, a subtle boob here or there harms nobooby. Nodaddy. Nodoggy. Gobnoddy? Oh lordy …

Ahhh, super duper. And you know what this means? TIME TO BREAK OUT THE GIFS!! Oh yes … knew I’d get some good use out of these badboys … hrrrrngggghhhh …

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