Some random update and a plan B

Hello! OK, plan B if my blog dies / Google decide they don’t like me any more (I don’t know why they would decide this, because let’s face it I’m lovely and my comics and blogs are all full of wholesome goodness, but you know, some people are prudes and don’t like boobies and willies and bottoms etc etc), is this:

I hardly ever use it, just put a few updates on there, but it does enable me to blog, it does allow people to comment, and I can upload some pretty nudey renders on there without them getting too bothered by me, so it does seem a good option if I get completely booted off Blogger tbh.

There we are then. Nice to have a plan 🙂

Ideally I’d have a team of creative producers working for me, in which case we could release a comic / film every week … that’d be amazing … but, alas, I must find hours in the day when I can fit it in around work and life and my 900 other hobbies and masturbating and drinking wine and watching the telly box. And eating tiramisu and occasionally the less important things like sleeping and paying bills and sure, looking after people etc etc.

Quick shout out to one fan who bought me EVERYTHING that was on my wishlist at the time! Thank you to them, we’ll see some content from that batch coming out in upcoming comics, no doubt, and it’s been great fun having a play – there’s an animation coming soon which uses one of the new BVH / motion capture files so my character can dance properly, looks great so far! Will release when ready 🙂

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