Hahahaha … haaa … aaaahh. Good times.

OK I’ve been busy. No wait, the other thing. I’ve been wasting time. Busy wasting time. I’ve started making random figurines to join in with the mayhem of the next Lithium Comic (haven’t actually started making that comic yet, but suffice to say … it’s going to be a crazy one. I might wait a…


The very busy person time.

Hello I am very busy. Why. I mean ideally I’d want to be creating CG characters, plots, you know, faffing about and enjoying the sunshine and fapping and eating cakey-based treats. But no. My work and human responsibilities stuff is just off the charts at the moment and I don’t have time to just be…


A new hope

So I’ve had a little break from Lithium, celebrated the completion of 0HB, and have been pondering and writing a little. Thoroughly recommend it tbh! Write your shit down, people – seriously it does wonders. Hahaha, aahhhh, Skylar.


Epiphanies R us – for superfans

Hello, it’s me again. Yay! In the penultimate Human Being comic, someone said they wished there was more detail about the specific transition of Mike, from his desolation to his security, his peace. It’s a good question, and prob one we all want the answer to, at one time or another (or constantly, sure). Hopefully…


Tie fighter

OK I’m writing a proper grown-up blog post that I’ll publish on Saturday, but in the meantime, here’s an old scene file I opened this morning and … added a tie to … Wow, that’s … jazzy, Charlie. What are we thinking there, eh? Who knows, who knows. The marvelous human mind, eh? Never ceases…


A big thank you

I mean listen, I do this thing where I create this random flippin comic. And sometimes it’s sexy and sometimes its funny or it’s just really, REALLY random. And sometimes it’s big meta ideas and sometimes it’s pure shitposting, sure, sure. But here’s the interesting thing; people get it. They appreciate it. And I just…
