A big thank you

I mean listen, I do this thing where I create this random flippin comic. And sometimes it’s sexy and sometimes its funny or it’s just really, REALLY random. And sometimes it’s big meta ideas and sometimes it’s pure shitposting, sure, sure.

But here’s the interesting thing; people get it. They appreciate it. And I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who sent me emails and feedback and all sorts of things in the last few weeks. I’ve always just done my story in my own weird way, and I wonder how often that path is appreciated? Probably not a lot. So thank you to everyone who appreciated it in their own way. Even the people who misunderstood lots of bits; that’s ok.

[Forty-two = reference to Hitchikers Guide to the Galaxy, piling up mash = reference to Close Encounters Of The Third Kind, Pound of Butter/pint cream = reference to Red Dwarf (bodyswap I think), un … mad = I think I made that bit up]

[no references to anything, this is just me talking bollocks]

A story with boobs and plot: predictably will do quite well – I’m sure lots of comics do that. But a story with tears and big feels and sadness and claustrophobia and the stupidity of humans and our wonder and illogical total lack of moral fibre, a comic that spends just as long on sex scenes as it does on discussions with God themself(s)?! A comic that says stupid stuff for lols and has characters laugh at nothing whatsoever?! Madness.

Imagine people appreciating a comic that talked very serious topics AND total bollocks, that spent just as long on conversations about self-harm as it did on how many chin-ups a chihuahua could do?! Imagine that.


You are all wonders, you really are. It was a genuine surprise to see how many people thought the beach part was the best part – I literally didn’t get a single piece of venomous/trolling spam, nobody complained about the discussion with God whatsoever – which for an erotic comic, you have to admit, is rather incredible! I certainly didn’t expect that to be such a majority favourite moment – I guess we underestimate each other sometimes, don’t we? Underestimate our own spirituality, or our own open-mindedness, or whatever.

Here’s the funny bit though; I deleted the whole of OHB8’s script before I started making it (see link), and didn’t have any backups, so I had to re-write it a few months back, from scratch. As in, from a blank page. Hahaha. So, so funny. I stand by my philosophy that we are wonderful humans, and so if we re-write content, re-do things, all is not lost. For we, though constantly changing, are deeply the same person. And if we make certain decisions in life, and travel towards the goal that is love, then the work we produce will improve as a symptom. And I think that’s what fortunately happened in this case; the original OHB 8 was not up to the standard of OHB 7, but the rewritten OHB 8 was an improvement, and it was such a relief because I didn’t think I’d be able to follow OHB 7 – just because I felt OHB 7 was a bit of a moment and I couldn’t really follow it. But lo!

Anyway look, enough of blowing smoke up my own arse, here’s some selected bits of the feedback, from all you wonderful lot instead:

A masterpiece in a series of master pieces. The best comics I’ve ever read.

Holy crap. That conversation on the beach! Wow. Just wow!

An epic on par with Hitchhikers Guide, War and Peace, The Iliad and my first though hundredth Playboy Magazine including the letters section, actually especially the letters.


Awesome, It made me cry… I read it twice before going back for a wank. 

Great norks, fabulous story, truth and beauty

utterly fabulous. love the sentiments and the wisdom shown. The jokes and satire were on point. it was very moving and the relationships deep and true. So well done.

I’m impressed and i need to say that is pretty new for me. This whole Comic, starting with just a bit of fun, a threesome, going over political themes, that are going on in our world atm, over a galactic battle which is better than Star Wars Episode 7 and than going to God, talking about us, about people at all and i saw myself in Steph a bit. Ohh and not to forget all these cool eastereggs! i laughed a lot and really liked it! Its just great, thank you.

Was WAY more deep than I expected…but I still thought it was great that she was talking with god with literally just a top on and her naughty bits hanging out and not thinking twice about it. Kinda got me in the “lols” and the feels. =)

jumping from the end of this, to where Steph wakes up in Lithium 9, makes the music fit for quite a bit longer into there, even with a darker part for where Karen and Mike talk, very nice.

A brilliant comic, lots of suspense, a good story line and lots of references to other stuff and a cliff hanger ending, love it. Oh and plenty of Boobies, Yeah!

I think it is spectacular. I will read it again when I have more time to sit with it.

Loved it, I so wanted some of them to sail off into the sunset together. I was in tears on and off from page 103. I thought that god would have said to Steph that she was one human being not a human being, in line with the series title.

Loved it, very emotional.

Feaking awesome

I’m upset to see it end but i loved every part

Just finished a re-read of whole series’s. What a great summary, this issue is. Prepare for Finale!

Totally incredible, beautiful and wow, just wow. 

You’ve do a lot (and I mean a LOT) of work on understanding love, abuse, healing and now we move forward. I’m thankful for your insights and what you share.
The last third of that issue was enormously powerful. 
This is absolutely incredible. To anybody who says porn is not art, that it is a dead end, that it cannot be positive, healthy, and uplifting, this exists.

Outstanding! I’ve enjoyed each and every chapter. However, (and this is a good, however) #8 really made me stop and reflect. “Which is why I didn’t try too hard…” yeah right, my ass. If that’s an example of you not trying too hard, you’re either the most eloquent bullsh@t artist I’ve ever encountered, or one of the most thoughtful individuals I can think of. I’m going with the latter. So thank you Sindy, thank you from the bottom of my heart, truly.

Im so impressed that you can write porn with actual amazing storyline and stuff to think about. much respect
You really have a gift for making horny comics make me feel good inside. It’s nice to see this stuff in porn, an environment that is typically far more toxic.

Redemption is a satisfying resolution. Especially when it comes from within.

Best one yet


What was your favourite bit?

The conversation with God. You said more in those few pages of a free on-line incestual silly web comic than I have read from so called philosophers. Thank you.

That lighting in the first sequence was just WOW! And that last bit where Steph was swimming in stars… It was definitely not meant to be the very-not-light-polluted-15th-century-Earth sky reflecting off the water, was it? [Authors note: yes, though it is a bit confusing, it was supposed to start off as reflections, showing mirrors of herself (duality/layers of herself, forming into a single whole human) and the sparkles which start off as unreachable in the sky (ie because they’re the reflection of the stars above her), but then she discovers that she’s basically made of them. She’s not just darkness, but through the darkness, sparkles. So mirror/layers become one. Both dark and sparkle, harmony, and that’s ok. She connects with the infinite because she accepts love. Then the sparkles can become the transit to the other place. Transition to zooming through actual space, to be awakened in Lithium Comic 9, a wholly different person, set free, loved. I am describing the same transition as happens to her dad, Mike – in OHB 7, he goes through the same transition but in a very different way.]

the negotiations were the funniest. The acknowledgement of their probable death as Eep goes out to the meeting. The sacrifice of both Eep and Steph are very Christ heavy.

The last scene on the beach.

In the shower of course…

i was impressed the whole time, from the beginning to the end and i can´t wait to read the next comic and to read both series again (which i do pretty often to be honest). But i think the most recognizable in this comic was the entrance of Bezos and Musk. Its just to open the eyes of people and thats how they are even if some of us don´t want to believe that.

Interaction between God: and Steph.

The very proper and polite jelly entity that spoke with Eep.

Being able to understand that I can forgive myself, love myself, and realize that my life is not a competition with those around me, but a compilation of those around me and the memories and events that we share and enjoy together. Thank you for this.

The ending and the incorporation of music you’ve been doing for a few comics now.

The “Amazoprime Sweat-shops” reference and the “Musk” conversation, It all seems so clear that we cannot keep doing what we are doing without everything just falling apart in the end.

the small talk between the chars, and also the nekkid pictures

The dialogue with God

The shower scene was fun and all the movie and TV series references and the last six pages.

Well I mean the sexy times at the beginning… But then the ‘God’ scene? With the music? That was beautiful.

You’re call backs and tie ins are nothing short of amazing! So well done!

All of it! Honestly.


the beach scene. I really needed to hear about love. I felt lonely, horny, & so forgotten this past week. I was surprised and I’m glad I checked the blog for new comics! The dialogue and music about love was so on point that I didnt know love was like that. so beautiful. its my favorite dialogue right now & I keep reading it over and over. It’s healing my heart right now. Its so refreshing, energizing, & amazing to discover love being explained like that.

The conversation with God was just stunning and how determined I’ve been to be just as unworthy as Steph, when the sky is full of sparkles. I leaked at that bit.

No single bit, the total flow and energy and graphics and ….

The whole entire thing

Steph’s personal life review by-the-sea

The ending was amazing

Probably the final scenes with the music because of its emotional power, yet Eep leaving the ship was also very strong . But the shower scenes were very hot in a moist way, especially with Suki. Laughed at the May contain… warning and the following page, and of course the mention of Uvavu

Conversation with God. I like the idea of an eminently practical God

human being – wonderful way of thinking

There’s so much, but I’ll have to go with the closing discussion with his nibs, himself. I’m and atheist, have been since I was a teenager. If for some unknown reason, a bolt of lightening sent me to the choir eternal, I can only hope that the big guy up there was at least half as human as your guy. Too much to hope for, I know, but hey, why not?

The god bit. Came outta left field for me but definitely completed the story arc for steph and has some good messaging in there. Also I’m a sucker for a happy ending

A one-on-one with god.

All of it! Every tasty morsel, squirt, lick, and all the jokes. I forgot my towel though.

The space battle and potential loss of life really got to me. It appears I was genuinely invested in the characters

I like the connection between heart and hotstuff.

The last part, surprising, well told.

we are all capable of love if we only knew it.

Just thank you for doing this. As much as anyone can get hard to misogynistic/slut based porn comics they offer nothing more than your average whambamthankyoumaam. This is deeper and relatable on so many levels (perhaps not the taboo) but the mental health stuff is Bob on (see what I did there)

“human being, not human doing” sums up all wasted career years. 

I can’t help thinking that the efforts you made in making this must be so satisfying

I hope you continue making these brilliant comics or write a book or do both?! I dont care as long as you continue with that great work. Im just impressed, thank you so so much!

[…] we should at least attempt empathy but also realise we don’t know everything about everyone. And we should be more forgiving of other people, and ourselves.

This is a bloody good comic, written in a wonderful style and superbly illustrated, thank goodness for people like you. X  

Love. As we are is so mind-blowingly transformative that can’t truly comprehend it until we experience it. It is an unrecognizable person on the other side; yet when we get there we understand that it was really who we are from the start but are finally able to be. Like the black and white version of ourselves can’t understand the color one. it’s the same person, only now in color!

You gave me a new way to frame what “God” means. 

Love is alive. 

So with this stuff and all the other comments and the emails and stuff … thank you, everyone.


[Mike uses a haiku to thank a guy for giving him a haiku … peak easteregg imo hahaha]

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