The very busy person time.

Hello I am very busy. Why.

I mean ideally I’d want to be creating CG characters, plots, you know, faffing about and enjoying the sunshine and fapping and eating cakey-based treats. But no. My work and human responsibilities stuff is just off the charts at the moment and I don’t have time to just be lazy and fap around in Poser.

Dang it. Here are a few random images from the blog, you know, the sort of nonsense I want to be creating more of but can’t.

Send sympathy.

And tiramisu.

^ I mean why the hell did I even create that thing? Started off as a dream jack was going to have in the early days, then became like a killer cyborg thing that was going to be in the battle scene of 0HB, then I thought it was too distracting, so it’s just nothing. Then I deleted the character files so literally all we have is those random test renders. Madness.

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