Decent onesies

Ok, so slightly awkward confession here, I went down a bit of an internet rabbit hole this week and discovered the joys of … onesies? There’s Rule 34, sure, but I was slightly surprised to find some excellent potential for onesies out there. 

However, as you may know, porn is rubbish! There’s no love, no realness, no tenderness or awkwardness or whatever, so the believability isn’t there, so I personally find it really hard to find anything really ‘sexy’. I mean sure there’s amazing nudity out there, but a lot of this stuff is just super boring, people paid to be dolls smooshed together, and it’s either rubbish toxic males having crap sex on someone, or it’s just bad acting all round. Oh dear.

We need a renaissance of porn, people! We need more hetero content that’s like the loving, sensual lesbian and gay stuff out there – that’s always way better imo, people who at least seem to be genuinely enjoying themselves and taking their time getting proper steamed up! Yum yum.

Aaanyway, as is my penchant for creating in 3D the festerings of my rampant imagination, I embarked upon making a 3D Onesie and didn’t get very far – what I need is a big suit to start with, and then I can chop the bottom out and make little buttons and stuff on it. So if someone is feeling mighty generous and could possibly perhaps buy me the top item on my WISHLIST, that would be amazing! Thank you please!

Yes I realise it just looks like a HazMat suit, but it’s a base I can start with and totally customise into a cute little ill-fitting onesie for someone. It’ll be sexy by the time I’m done with it, I promise 🙂

UPDATE: someone’s bought it for me already! Thank you! Right, time to get to work customising it …

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