
Everybody relax. That whole Sabbath principle seems to have been lost on the world. Actually, it seems to have been lost on me, I’ll be honest. You know that thing where you start explaining something, and really it’s because you’ve only just realised it yourself and you’re like AH … YES … I SHOULD EXPLAIN THIS TO MORE PEOPLE.

So … the Sabbath principle; take some fucken rest you dipshit (me talking into a mirror after week five of total bloody mayhem).

Get in the bath, drink some white wine and hold a book under the water until it screams. Ahhhhh, so much better. There we are. All better again.

Here’s a sneak peek at the next Lithium comic. That’s right, I haven’t done any rendering yet.

I know, right?! If I ever get round to actually making this next comic, it’ll be a beaut. But first … Sabbath …

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