Musky McMoneybags

Update: tune in this Sunday for some behind-the-scenes nonsense:

It’s interesting looking at some of your feedback for ohb8; most applauding the dig I had at billionaire culture, but a few people saying I was wrong about Musk.

I mean it’s an interesting one, isn’t it? I think the point is that billionaires simply shouldn’t exist. Long term financial studies (yawn) have shown that the trickle-down concept simply does not work, and I’d agree: we should not rely on the goodwill gestures of a few insanely minted humans to hope for some sort of global justice. Particularly when those ‘goodwill’ gestures turn out to be hot air – yes I’m talking about you, Musk. And there is a fairly healthy chance that you read this, lol.

The recent stuff with Elon fighting the UN, bluffing, pretending to give a damn about world poverty … it’s like he read my comic and decided he should fight back a little bit. But we’re all stuck, aren’t we? Ah well.

Perhaps I’ll write to the Kardashians and ask them to pay for some of the local kids to be able to afford food, seeing as the current government don’t give one half of one tiny shit about food poverty either.

Or maybe we should kneecap the nonsense dragon-esque obsessive hoarding that blights this tender little planet, huh? The pros say carry on, tax the misers, and I’m with them.

Top tip: 800,000 years is a very, very long time. Absurdly long. If you still support Musk and the 100 ish new Billionaires who’ve struck rich since the pandemic, I would encourage you to do the maths, or at least listen to those who have done it for us.
Sorry to rant, but a good rant now and then is fun, isn’t it?! Wheee! I give my stuff away for free, and so can youuuuu!!!!

PS. on a lighter note, someone commented saying I should watch this 1970s film Alice in Wonderland – musical adult thing. And it was a delight! Thank you, yes classic/retro porn is so much better, isn’t it? Even if it’s super low budget just for fun, at least the actors look like they’re enjoying it, and that’s a pretty basic thing, right? I mean if you’re not enjoying sex what the hell is going wrong?! Sex is brilliant, marvelous, wonderful, funny, fantastic! And therefore so should porn be all of those things.

If only someone would make a comic series about that … oh WAIT! I AM WAHOOO!!!!!

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