The quiet project. Again.

I’m often helped by writing and/or other creative pursuits. It’s funny how it seems pointless at the time (WHY AM I PAINTING PEBBLES) but looking back we begin to see the point (I’m so glad I painted those pebbles, it turned out it was about working through X trauma, and now I’ve thrown them into the sea and can begin to move on).

And remembering this, I’m encouraged to keep going with my creative stuff, even if only for selfish purposes. For some time I’ve given thought to a wordless, standalone comic on the topic of Grace – I think that’s a cool way to create, to have a single word as the inspiration for creating something, and … anyway. It’s going to be about Grace, perhaps something I wish I understood better.

And there’s going to be boobies and a willy too, sure.

Anyway, it seems I’ve used comics to talk about the Human Condition for some time, probably to work through my own, very human, condition. In these speech bubbles (pictured), I’m not really talking about America, it’s something deeply connecting us all; we feel without hope at times, no matter what country we’re from. 


We feel disconnection, isolation, and this hides our freedoms or creativity, which can still bubble up from some deep well of identity, some place deeper than any pain, any traumatic event or mistake.

We will remember our deep story of liberty, we will remember how to set people free. So perhaps when life imitates art, and we have deeply upsetting moments, scenes of trauma and stupidity …

… perhaps that’s all part of our personal cycles of self-destruction and moronic egotism, part of the shattering embarrassment of our own false selves, which is an important part of discovering who we really are. Discovering the damage done by misinformation, misogyny and greed, discovering that there are reasons why we should stand with the unheard, the oppressed. 

So whatever you feel about my gentle political points, know that no matter what the media tells us, we stand together, as humans united in our brokenness. And we write and we draw and we take photos and we paint and we learn together, how to become more us; the real us, free from closed facebook groups fuelling hatred, free from the obsessive division and controlling of men and women, free from misinformation and … ultimately … as we travel further in the direction of love … free from all fear. So that’s … good 🙂




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