Comics are awesomeeeee!

Just wanted to say thank you for all the feedback you’ve given on the latest comic, Grace. Comments ranged from “Very disappointed. Your other comics had excellent dialogue – this one had hardly any.“ (lol, btw), to “Brilliant! Telling such a difficult story without text is difficult at best. You are a master of your…


The marvelous bl0uuj0b animations!

Ahhh … gifs.  I spent ALL DAY yesterday working on a bunch of little animations. It might turn into a gif or a series of gifs, I presumably need to stop short of accidentally making a full-on feature film because I suspect that would take rather a lot of work, especially without motion capture or…



It will literally be out tomorrow. It’s all done, just waiting for the cover to finish rendering! WOOP WOOP! I’ll schedule it for Friday morning at 11am (GMT ~ although most of the time google thinks you’re in another timezone so it might be super early or extremely late … basically it will be sometime…



  OK sitrep: it turns out that having a break to let your brain untangle is absolutely flipping amazing! 10/10 would recommend, it is ok not to be ok, we all need to look after ourselves now and then. Rest is part of resilience after all! Yay! 🙂 So … the comic!! I’m just getting…
