Ask the fans: what could happen in Lithium ten?

EDIT: Calm down a bit.

OK so listen, I’ve written Lithium #10 (& 11 & 12 …), but it does get right into plot and then steers clear of any sexy situations, which for someone who kinda wants to make sexy comics (as well as funny/thoughtful ones), is a little issue!

So rather than struggle on and make #10 immediately, I thought I’d take a step back and … ask the fans!!! Why not eh?!

EDIT: after posting this blog I realised one of a hundred simple ways to solve this specific minor issue, so it’s no longer a big deal – feel free to submit anyway I’ll always read your excellent comments and suggestions! In fact someone has already suggested exactly the technique I was planning on using, so … yay! Well done that dude 🙂

However, considering a couple of the comments submitted so far, it might be worth my re-iterating … I have written comic #10, it is done, and I’m happy with it; I am also open to ideas about sexy times to add into the mix, because anyone who operates entirely in a vacuum is … going to struggle with life, generally.

On that interesting topic, I think I’d argue that any art is about expressing something of who we are as humans, and if we’re utterly devoid of connection with other humans, then perhaps we’re … not in an artistic phase, at least. So feedback and discussion is a healthy part of any artistic (indeed any human) process. Unless you’re an Autocrat, but that carries its own … err, problems. Hence Putin Karen. I am certainly not an island, and if I operated like I was alone at the top of some sort of story-controlling hierarchy, my comics simply wouldn’t work, they would be devoid of silly references and life and humour and, ultimately … love. Awks. But we’re getting onto philosophical ground here. As per comics.

So if one or two people could calm down a bit about how I do (and have always done) my thing, that would be amazing! Thaaaanks! Aaanyway … I should stop roasting people, poor loves. There’s nothing to fear. Let’s all have a lovely fresh start, eh? Yay! One-two-three you’re back in the room … with other humans …

So we’ve seen Bob and Steph wake up from stasis tanks, so there’s tie-in with the OHB series. We’ve also seen Sam Javelin and Laryn Xogood have a part to play, as well as our new couple from Grace, and about 200 random extras from everything like Pets at Home and Pizza Express and Pokemon etc etc, so it’s gonna be total mayhem whatever – I know what’s going to happen but I’d also love to hear what people think is going to / should happen!

So here we go – anonymous online forms are the best, let me know!


Thank you!

I mean, I’ve written comics and there are plenty of funny bits and some super touching moments and that’s all great, but it’s knitting it all together in one big bow that is (1) sexy, and (2) not too much effort to create in 3d!! That’s always the tricky bit …

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