Comics are awesomeeeee!

Just wanted to say thank you for all the feedback you’ve given on the latest comic, Grace. Comments ranged from Very disappointed. Your other comics had excellent dialogue – this one had hardly any. (lol, btw), to Brilliant! Telling such a difficult story without text is difficult at best. You are a master of your craft.

– so that’s quite the range of responses haha! The very clear majority thought it was great, so that’s super positive; glad my more artistic approach didn’t fall on deaf ears 🙂

Read more of people’s comments here, if you like.

Anyway, my comics are free, but if you’d like to buy me something 3D ish to tantalise my inspiration buds, there’s a little wishlist here for anyone who wants to chip in. Don’t do it if you’re strapped for cash, but if you’ve got some spare and you’d like to say thank you and get involved, this is a good easy way to do so!


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